The Wayward Respite Inn
Mateus, Empyreum Ward 4, Plot 55
Open Every:
Wednesday at 11 AM to 3:30 PM CST
Friday at 10:30 PM to 2 AM CST
A newly built, well kept inn just off the main road of the Empyreum. Warm and inviting, all are welcome within this Ryokan and Izakaya hybrid. Walk down stairs to enjoy drink and food prepared by our staff, share tales of adventure and traveling with all ears who would listen, or just come and relax to the sound of our Orchestrion. Currently there are three Ryokan rooms available. However, more are to be built as time goes on.If food or sleep aren't your fancy, take a dip in our personal hot spring, and stave off the cold of Ishgard in our soothing warm waters.
(All prices are purely IC. No real gil is required.)

(All prices are purely IC. No real gil is required.)

(All prices are purely IC. No real gil is required.)

(All prices are purely IC. No real gil is required.)

(All prices are purely IC. No real gil is required.)

Password: WaywardRespiteInn